Operation Petticoat

was a comedy series that aired on ABC from 1977-1979.Based on the 1959 film of the same name, the series follows the misadventures of the fictional...

Starring: Jamie Lee Curtis, John Astin, Jim Varney, Warren Berlinger, Richard Gilliland, Randolph Mantooth, Robert Hogan, Jo Ann Pflug, Scott McGinnis, Yvonne Wilder, Bond Gideon, 15 more, Hilary Thompson, Jesse Dizon, Dorrie Thomson, Don Sparks, Kraig Cassity, Richard Brestoff, Raymond Singer, Melinda Naud, Christopher J. Brown, Fred Kareman, Wayne Long, Richard Marion, Jack Murdock, Michael Mazes, Peter Schuck
Genre: Comedy
Countries: United States
Release Date: September 17, 1977
Year: 1977
Runtime: 30 min
IMDb Rating: Operation Petticoat (1977) on IMDb

3.00/5 - (0 Votes)

Operation Petticoat Seasons/Episodes

► Season 1 - Click for episodes

► Season 2 - Click for episodes

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