
Set in the year 2093, is a psychological thriller that follows a team of scientists aboard the Nightflyer, the most advanced ship ever built, as...

Starring: Eoin Macken, David Ajala, Jodie Turner-Smith, Angus Sampson, Sam Strike, Maya Eshet, BrĂ­an F. O'Byrne, Gretchen Mol, Phillip Rhys, Gwynne McElveen, Bronte Carmichael, Miranda Raison
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi
Countries: USA
Creators: Eoin Macken, David Ajala, Jodie Turner-Smith, See full cast & crew
Release Date: December 02, 2018
Year: 2018
Runtime: 1h
IMDb Rating: Nightflyers (2018) on IMDb

3.76/5 - (0 Votes)

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