Where Is The Venkatalakshmi

Set in a remote village the film revolves around the story of four characters that unfolds with the arrival of Venkatalakshmi as the new school...

Starring: Ananth, Annapoorna, Balaji, Brahmaji, Dhanraj, Venu Gopal, Himaja, Indu, Ram Karthik, Pankaj Kesari, Raai Laxmi, Madhavi, Madhunandan, Mahendranath, Jabardasth Mahesh
Genre: Comedy, Horror
Countries: India
Directors: Kishore Kumar, Krishna Kishore
Release Date: March 15, 2019
Runtime: 2h 19min
IMDb Rating: Where Is The Venkatalakshmi (2019) on IMDb

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